Aimee Richardson
My Project: Overcoming Obstacles for Stage Actors with Down Syndrome
My project is to explore ways to make mainstream theatre, at professional and community levels, more inclusive.
Last year, I saw an incredible play at the peacock theatre. The actor had memory challenges from dementia. But the play was written specifically for him, and stage-management, rehearsals etc. were totally re-thought. Also, on-stage the actor received continuous prompts and directions, through a tiny blue-tooth ear-piece.
Could all this be done for an actor with Down syndrome - or any learning disability?
At a practical level, I’d like to share the easy ways I’ve developed to understand my lines in a script, then how I learn them, before enjoying the fun of developing my character.
My Project aims to benefit my community of actors with Down syndrome, by creating jobs and opportunities and raising community awareness.
I could use your help to:
1.narrow-down and focus my ideas.
2. think through all the things I’ll need to do and make a research plan
3. consider where I might share this work, and in what format
4. plan who to share it with in order to have impact